Replacing the motherboard without reinstalling the system

How do I replace the motherboard without reinstalling Windows XP? How to run the installed system on another computer?
Those who like, and I regularly have these problems. The network is a lot of advice on this subject, such as to replace the IDE-controller on a standard and turn the computer off and then rearrange your hard drive to another machine and it seems like the system must find new and identify it. Seen, read and tried many times - none of this comes out! Do not run Windows on a different motherboard, though similar (tried on motherboards ASUS P4PE and P4P800 - had to switch them) - both systems do not start to fall in the BSOD and the only option, even after long suffering - to reinstall the system.The reason is that during the initial installation of Windows detects and installs drivers for the IDE-controller, which she identified with them and trying to communicate with the hard drive. On the other motherboard IDE controller is different (it is similar, but slightly different) and the method of communication with the disks, running on the hardware, it is not suitable for work on the new. As a consequence - a critical error and a complete stupor: (However, many system - not Windows naked with three toys, which are rearranged - business hour. I found nemeryannom all the different programs, the browser heap stored passwords (some of which I can not remember) and a lot of any other utility, repair and rebuild all the same on the new system - just a trivial task and is not a quick. Once I did system images using Norton Ghost - it is in principle a good solution ... But the images are constantly becoming obsolete and irrelevant.When yesterday I itch once again invert two motherboards with the workers organized system - again, I climbed into the net to look for a solution. Found a way, the essence of which was to copy the standard IDE drivers in the Windows system folder and make changes to the registry to get these drivers. There is quite a tedious process that requires long and laborious work. The benefit of the network is not without good people and there was a man who has created a small arhivchik to simplify this procedure. Finally I found it and now they gladly share with other such sufferers;)In the archives of several system files to be copied into the folder windows \ system32 \ drivers and the reg-file who makes additions to the roster. The procedure takes a few minutes and experienced no problems. Swapped two system drives - both systems have started immediately at the first attempt, then later delivered the necessary drivers and video cards and setevuh telemarket;)It may be recommended to do this in advance, while the system still works - it will not create any additional inconveniences in everyday life, but you can remove and take the hard drive to visit a friend who has fallen or stayed vinda nasty virus - set your disk system and runs anti-virus or other utilities have its hard drive. Very useful!Desired file in an. If someone knows other ways to implement this (only those that tried it myself, and not copied from the many stupid manual online) - share, will be useful to all.

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