
The main part of any computer system is a printed circuit board with the main processor and its support chips.
Functionally, the central circuit board can be described in different ways. Sometimes this fee includes the entire scheme komp'yute.These are called komp'yute SBC.
In portivopolozhnost SBC in shinoorientirovanyh komp'yute center plate scheme implements a minimum configuration. The remaining functions are implemented using multi ¬ for numerous extra fees. All the components are connected in parallel conductors - the bus, hence the name of it.
The central board, which joins all the other jargon of the covenant on kompyutepnom parent and all subsidiaries attachable.
Subsequent development of IBM, following the success of XT and AT, have joined the main achievements of these models. Thus the main support schemes have been placed on the motherboard. This multi-board implementation is reflected in its title - the motherboard.
The motherboard is different from the SBC komp'yute in that it contains only basic support scheme. The motherboard does not have enough video card, some types of memory and communication with additional devices. These devices are added to the system board through the attachment of children to ¬ expansion bus, which is part of the motherboard. In terms of the IBM, these cards are usually called attachable expansion cards.
PS / 2 motherboard is more similar to the SBC board komp'yute, which added a bus extension. This bus is so radically different from all its predecessors, which gave her own name-CHANNEL.Functionally, the board PS / 2 has been extended I / O ports, control circuits and video floppy disk.
IBM has attached great importance to all of these changes on the motherboard and so she came up with a new name - the planar board. Now let planar board, we clearly separate the motherboard PS / 2 Motherboard preceding ¬ duschih machines, lowering the original name. New ter ¬ min carries a double meaning: first - topologically PCB is a single plane - is planar, and secondly, the term "planar" is used to refer to these assemblies and other electronic devices. However, sometimes this concept is used to refer to IBM motherboard previous machines, and the term "system plans ¬ ta" to refer to the motherboard PS / 2, but it was of a random nature. So the "planar" appeared to firmly consolidate the concept behind the motherboard PS / 2.
In this story there is one thing. Definitions of maternal mate ¬ boards, even though the two terms IBM, is not always clear. Not only that similar Electronic Model PS / 2 have different planar, for example the model 50 and 60, so more cars of one model can have different motherboard. It is not without foundation to say that every three IBM Model 70 has its own design Planar. Tech and the same PC, each model has an original design of the motherboard.The exception is XT, Portable PC, which are identical to the system board. But we should not forget that this PC had to overcome three stages of fundamental design changes.
A little history: The development of IBM, shown in August of 1981, commonly referred to as PC-1. Option is komp'yute with increased system board, the sample in 1983, called PC-2. The maximum that could support the PC-1 without the use of Bani expansion cards - 64K memory. PC-2 had already 256K, but the most important difference is in the programming of the two boards. Mainboard PC-1 could not have not been adjusted to maintain the most powerful devices increase, such as a hard drive and advanced graphics cards.
IBM's is not stopped and continued ever again ¬ viva motherboard.Example has been increased memory board XT. The board could hold up to 640K. But all these changes were not so substantial in comparison with the com ¬ first.
Motherboards, developed by different companies, of course, differ from motherboards IBM. And when it comes to a lo ¬ motherboard is compatible with IBM, developed ¬ botchik choose one of two ways: either develop its own system board, or solve the problem of technology Orginal Eguipment Manufactures (OEM). This includes those technologies ¬ issue invented other products with its brand name, that the minimum cost and effort of installing only limited parts of its own trading stamps. Final assembly of OEM parts Ongoing ¬ vlyayut other firms. They are seeking to improve the quality of its products in the eyes of consumers, it is subjected to hydrostatic ¬ testirovaniyu.Eti him last named system builders.
Strictly speaking, the difference between consumer and com ¬ paniyami producing their own products, we conclude that ¬ is obtained only in the difference between brands. And in most cases, the only difference. And since all you can komp'yute ob'edenit one word - commodity, then the other is equal to ¬ initial conditions, the best product one who has lower prices.
Some characteristics of the board.
So there are a large number of companies producing their own komp'yute compatible with IBM, - the number of developed ¬ nerdy motherboards in the hundreds, and all of them, of course, differ from each other. It would be very out of place to ask about compatibility. So, this problem will clear up if you can see why companies kompyutepnoy Most of the industry comes as OEM. In the meantime, we note only that the variety of motherboards can be classified much easier than you might imagine, because all firms are manufacturers 'lapped up' their products with IBM.
In the case of ob'schem motherboards can be divided by size into three groups. Renee all motherboards have dimensions of 8.5 / 11 inches. In XT size increased by 1 inch in size AT risen even more.Similar changes have occurred and the system board.
Most companies - manufacturers komp'yute tracking ¬ vayut change as motherboards and enclosures, and, therefore, free to vary the size of their products.
The functions of the motherboard.
The motherboard of any komp'yute performs several basic functions to ¬. The main thing - it's a mechanical basis for any ¬ th komp'yute. It includes an expansion card slot ¬ emy, the additional elements and provides the electrical connection of all elements komp'yute. The board contains pro ¬ tsessor and its supporting elements. These circuits determine the functioning of komp'yute and his reaction to kozhdoe external influence.
No element komp'yute completely defines its main characteristics.All addresses their total population. Here are some of the most important part:
Microprocessor. Central komp'yute scheme. Use ¬ metrizable processor determines not only the performance but also its software compatibility.
Coprocessor. Additional microprocessor allow ¬ schy komp'yute perform certain operations many times faster than the CPU.
Memory. A vital element in general.
BIOS. Basic Input Output System komp'yute all sewn up in memory that determines its characteristics.

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