
The main part of any computer system is a printed circuit board with the main processor and its support chips.
Functionally, the central circuit board can be described in different ways. Sometimes this fee includes the entire scheme komp'yute.These are called komp'yute SBC.
In portivopolozhnost SBC in shinoorientirovanyh komp'yute center plate scheme implements a minimum configuration. The remaining functions are implemented using multi ¬ for numerous extra fees. All the components are connected in parallel conductors - the bus, hence the name of it.
The central board, which joins all the other jargon of the covenant on kompyutepnom parent and all subsidiaries attachable.
Subsequent development of IBM, following the success of XT and AT, have joined the main achievements of these models. Thus the main support schemes have been placed on the motherboard. This multi-board implementation is reflected in its title - the motherboard.
The motherboard is different from the SBC komp'yute in that it contains only basic support scheme. The motherboard does not have enough video card, some types of memory and communication with additional devices. These devices are added to the system board through the attachment of children to ¬ expansion bus, which is part of the motherboard. In terms of the IBM, these cards are usually called attachable expansion cards.
PS / 2 motherboard is more similar to the SBC board komp'yute, which added a bus extension. This bus is so radically different from all its predecessors, which gave her own name-CHANNEL.Functionally, the board PS / 2 has been extended I / O ports, control circuits and video floppy disk.
IBM has attached great importance to all of these changes on the motherboard and so she came up with a new name - the planar board. Now let planar board, we clearly separate the motherboard PS / 2 Motherboard preceding ¬ duschih machines, lowering the original name. New ter ¬ min carries a double meaning: first - topologically PCB is a single plane - is planar, and secondly, the term "planar" is used to refer to these assemblies and other electronic devices. However, sometimes this concept is used to refer to IBM motherboard previous machines, and the term "system plans ¬ ta" to refer to the motherboard PS / 2, but it was of a random nature. So the "planar" appeared to firmly consolidate the concept behind the motherboard PS / 2.
In this story there is one thing. Definitions of maternal mate ¬ boards, even though the two terms IBM, is not always clear. Not only that similar Electronic Model PS / 2 have different planar, for example the model 50 and 60, so more cars of one model can have different motherboard. It is not without foundation to say that every three IBM Model 70 has its own design Planar. Tech and the same PC, each model has an original design of the motherboard.The exception is XT, Portable PC, which are identical to the system board. But we should not forget that this PC had to overcome three stages of fundamental design changes.
A little history: The development of IBM, shown in August of 1981, commonly referred to as PC-1. Option is komp'yute with increased system board, the sample in 1983, called PC-2. The maximum that could support the PC-1 without the use of Bani expansion cards - 64K memory. PC-2 had already 256K, but the most important difference is in the programming of the two boards. Mainboard PC-1 could not have not been adjusted to maintain the most powerful devices increase, such as a hard drive and advanced graphics cards.
IBM's is not stopped and continued ever again ¬ viva motherboard.Example has been increased memory board XT. The board could hold up to 640K. But all these changes were not so substantial in comparison with the com ¬ first.
Motherboards, developed by different companies, of course, differ from motherboards IBM. And when it comes to a lo ¬ motherboard is compatible with IBM, developed ¬ botchik choose one of two ways: either develop its own system board, or solve the problem of technology Orginal Eguipment Manufactures (OEM). This includes those technologies ¬ issue invented other products with its brand name, that the minimum cost and effort of installing only limited parts of its own trading stamps. Final assembly of OEM parts Ongoing ¬ vlyayut other firms. They are seeking to improve the quality of its products in the eyes of consumers, it is subjected to hydrostatic ¬ testirovaniyu.Eti him last named system builders.
Strictly speaking, the difference between consumer and com ¬ paniyami producing their own products, we conclude that ¬ is obtained only in the difference between brands. And in most cases, the only difference. And since all you can komp'yute ob'edenit one word - commodity, then the other is equal to ¬ initial conditions, the best product one who has lower prices.
Some characteristics of the board.
So there are a large number of companies producing their own komp'yute compatible with IBM, - the number of developed ¬ nerdy motherboards in the hundreds, and all of them, of course, differ from each other. It would be very out of place to ask about compatibility. So, this problem will clear up if you can see why companies kompyutepnoy Most of the industry comes as OEM. In the meantime, we note only that the variety of motherboards can be classified much easier than you might imagine, because all firms are manufacturers 'lapped up' their products with IBM.
In the case of ob'schem motherboards can be divided by size into three groups. Renee all motherboards have dimensions of 8.5 / 11 inches. In XT size increased by 1 inch in size AT risen even more.Similar changes have occurred and the system board.
Most companies - manufacturers komp'yute tracking ¬ vayut change as motherboards and enclosures, and, therefore, free to vary the size of their products.
The functions of the motherboard.
The motherboard of any komp'yute performs several basic functions to ¬. The main thing - it's a mechanical basis for any ¬ th komp'yute. It includes an expansion card slot ¬ emy, the additional elements and provides the electrical connection of all elements komp'yute. The board contains pro ¬ tsessor and its supporting elements. These circuits determine the functioning of komp'yute and his reaction to kozhdoe external influence.
No element komp'yute completely defines its main characteristics.All addresses their total population. Here are some of the most important part:
Microprocessor. Central komp'yute scheme. Use ¬ metrizable processor determines not only the performance but also its software compatibility.
Coprocessor. Additional microprocessor allow ¬ schy komp'yute perform certain operations many times faster than the CPU.
Memory. A vital element in general.
BIOS. Basic Input Output System komp'yute all sewn up in memory that determines its characteristics.

Review and testing of the motherboard MSI A75MA-G55


Released during the "off season" platform AMD Lynx and processors Llano attract attention of journalists. And there are good reasons. Let the fans of AMD as a mantra repeated "dozer-bulldozer," Anticipating the release of future 32 nm processors with a radically new architecture, Llano, too, was not born shit. This hybrid processor demonstrated in tests of high-performance graphics subsystem (for this class of devices), in many ways avoiding the most powerful CPU Intel in the overall "systems on a chip".

From time to market a new family of "hybrids» AMD has created a very unusual type of processor, opening an entirely new market niche. If you previously built into the CPU graph except that old enough for "multimedia" and completely unpretentious games (think AMD Brazos, Intel Clarkdale or even Sandy Bridge), then the situation has changed.

APU Llano opportunities may be sufficient for undemanding fans of computer games, which aims to raise the budget system and not after a high-quality "pictures." Let Llano and can not replace a full-fledged video card the medium price segment, but its ability to "pull" the majority of games on the "low" (or "medium") settings is expensive, nothing like the market has not previously been proposed.

In discussing the prospects of the new processors in the conference often been suggested that such APU can destroy the market for video-superbyudzhetnyh gags. And then a grain of truth hidden, apart from the ambiguous advantages in the form of a lower system cost and low heat (the configuration can be different - so it's not always true), there are other advantages.

Most vividly, they will appear when you create a small home computer systems and a class "media center". In the absence of a single compact package graphics card will reduce the heating of the interior space, better airflow, will not hurt and once the expansion slot. And all this at a sufficiently productive "graphics", which greatly exceeds the card plugs and close-in features of the budget game accelerators.
For these reasons, at this stage of development of new APU appears to me more designed for compact systems. In the "big" computer to use this type of processor is not necessary: ​​there is a good and inexpensive assembly "CPU + video card", which often leave more room for overclocking.

The last time was tested CPU AMD A8-3800 paired with a motherboard ASUS F1A75V PRO (ATX). Now you will find an overview of the model MSI A75MA-G55, relating to the form factor mATX. Given the above reasons, this type of board may be of interest to many buyers, not the highest prices for MSI products make an attractive novelty for those wishing to collect the budget system.

Packing and packaging

The board comes in colorful box very modest size (do not forget that this is a mATX-board, so that the box turned out "square" just in size device) - problems with transportation there is no: although the hand carry it, even though under his arm.

Packaging design is distinctive, with both sides it is covered with various icons, symbols and inscriptions. It turns out "porridge", but advertisers MSI can be understood - their aim was to highlight the high grade product, denoting all applied when creating technology.

By the way, the information on the "reverse" the box is quite intelligible, with a breakdown of all the terms. Please note the emphasis placed on reliability and dependability board. Detailed description of quality electronic components for a "military" grade (the old "trick» MSI): Solid Capacitors, "Banks» Solid CAP, SFC chokes with ferrite core, and "fashionable" flat capacitors Hi-C CAP with a low series resistance and increased capacity.

This makes sense from the motherboard of the middle class, designed for "home" processor-APU, the user first and foremost it will require reliability, advanced technology and not "bloat" and advanced overclocking capabilities.

Inside the package fee is based on a soft porous material, for greater safety, it is enclosed in a thick anti-static bag.

Delivery complicated over the board, and is separated from her cardboard partition. It should be noted that the product is equipped with MSI very soundly. Against the background of the tested last time ASUS F1A75V PRO is a set where "richer":

In addition to compulsory subjects, including the user manual, CD with drivers and a cap on the rear panel, it includes:

Two SATA cables 6 Gb / s (direct and to the "corner");
The adapter type Molex -> SATA to supply a modern hard disk / drive from any of the block;
A set of "millipede" for internal card connectors;
More panel with two USB ports for expansion slots on the back of the cabinet.
The latter is a standard accessory products for MSI, I have already met these sockets with the company logo in the study of other boards.

I note that the board adequately packaged (though - this has long been the standard for all major manufacturers) and is equipped with all necessary accessories for normal operation. The only negative, and former model ASUS F1A75V PRO, insufficient number of cables SATA. It is clear that in most home computers use one or two hard drives, but if sold today are equipped with card slots six to ten SATA, producers do not economize on penny wires.

Design and capabilities of the board

As mentioned above, this motherboard is made in the form factor mATX. In shape it is a "square PCB" by 244 mm.

Color solution of the product quite typical for MSI: dark brown, and blue mask PCB connectors. About design refinements can not speak, everything is very plain.

In addition to basic photography "full face" shows the image of "three quarters", where you can get an idea of ​​the height of various elements on the PCB.

It is primarily interested users projecting parts are located in close proximity to the CPU socket.

With near-socket space layout the tested board is OK. Single radiator, power switches serving VRM, moved away from the socket at a good distance, and by itself is not very high ~ 24 mm.Other protrusions near there, so that MSI A75MA-G55 to be consistent absolute majority of coolers CPU; at least when it comes to models of standard size.

In the cons can be written placement memory slots. In my opinion, they (like the ASUS F1A75V Pro) are too close to the socket - DDR3 modules with radiators, ridges may be incompatible with some large coolers. However, this is a standard problem.

Already mentioned radiator, serving MOSFET'y power converter of the processor, is a monolithic aluminum "disc." His mount by a spring-loaded screws. Another cooler, smaller, set to "south bridge".

This unpretentious design of aluminum - a typical low-profile "nashlepka" which can be found on various motherboards. It is easy to see that the whole cooling system design is very simple: there is no heat pipes, and the area itself is not large radiators. Their performance will be enough for normal use fees in a nominal mode, but with serious overclocking can cause problems.

MSI creates two motherboards based on Intel ZH68

The range of motherboards, presented at the official website of the company MSI, has added two models based on chipset Intel Z68.New items were named Z68A-G43 (B3) and Z68A-GD55 (G3) and are able to maintain communication with the processor Intel Sandy Bridge in the LGA 1155 and the second model may additionally boast support for high-speed bus PCI Express 3.0.

Motherboard Z68A-G43 (B3) is made in the ATX form factor and is related to low-cost entry-level, and in its arsenal is a very simple 4 +1 phase power system, the quartet slots for DDR3 memory and a pair of expansion slots PCI-Express x16 supplemented with two slots PCI-Express x1 and three PCI slots. Also, is there six SATA ports, two of which are standard SATA 6.0 Gbps.There is also a pair of USB 3.0 ports and PS / 2, LAN port, Gigabit Ethernet and built-in 7.1-channel audio chip plus video output DVI-D and D-Sub, and the cost of the motherboard Z68A-G43 (B3) is about 110 euros. As regards the model Z68A-GD55 (G3), its price is still unknown, but include the same features four slots for DDR3 memory in 2133 plus a couple of expansion slots PCI-Express 3.0 x16, as well as ports SATA 6.0 Gbps, USB 3.0, Gigabit Ethernet and video output DVI-D, HDMI and D-Sub.

Motherboard Gigabyte ready to work with the 22nm processors Ivy Bridge

So far we have heard about the compatibility of 22 nm processors Ivy Bridge with the existing motherboards based on chipsets Intel "the sixth series of" only at the level of discussion, slides of the presentations prepared by the company Intel. At the last reporting quarterly conference, the manufacturer of processors briefly touched on this topic, mentioning that the richness of choice that provides such a platform-level interoperability LGA 1155: the new processors can work with old cards and new cards may work with older processors.
At the suggestion of our readers by Gigabyte feeds Software today know that motherboard manufacturer for this chipset Intel Z68 is ready to work with the 22nm processors, you just update the BIOS.
Obviously, the motherboard manufacturers in the remaining time of announcement Ivy Bridge (as it will be held in March-April 2012) will introduce support for these processors at the BIOS. Note that the list of supported processors on Gigabyte site model Ivy Bridge is not mentioned. Presumably, their appearance in the relevant section of the site - it's just a matter of time.

Replacing the motherboard without reinstalling the system

How do I replace the motherboard without reinstalling Windows XP? How to run the installed system on another computer?
Those who like, and I regularly have these problems. The network is a lot of advice on this subject, such as to replace the IDE-controller on a standard and turn the computer off and then rearrange your hard drive to another machine and it seems like the system must find new and identify it. Seen, read and tried many times - none of this comes out! Do not run Windows on a different motherboard, though similar (tried on motherboards ASUS P4PE and P4P800 - had to switch them) - both systems do not start to fall in the BSOD and the only option, even after long suffering - to reinstall the system.The reason is that during the initial installation of Windows detects and installs drivers for the IDE-controller, which she identified with them and trying to communicate with the hard drive. On the other motherboard IDE controller is different (it is similar, but slightly different) and the method of communication with the disks, running on the hardware, it is not suitable for work on the new. As a consequence - a critical error and a complete stupor: (However, many system - not Windows naked with three toys, which are rearranged - business hour. I found nemeryannom all the different programs, the browser heap stored passwords (some of which I can not remember) and a lot of any other utility, repair and rebuild all the same on the new system - just a trivial task and is not a quick. Once I did system images using Norton Ghost - it is in principle a good solution ... But the images are constantly becoming obsolete and irrelevant.When yesterday I itch once again invert two motherboards with the workers organized system - again, I climbed into the net to look for a solution. Found a way, the essence of which was to copy the standard IDE drivers in the Windows system folder and make changes to the registry to get these drivers. There is quite a tedious process that requires long and laborious work. The benefit of the network is not without good people and there was a man who has created a small arhivchik to simplify this procedure. Finally I found it and now they gladly share with other such sufferers;)In the archives of several system files to be copied into the folder windows \ system32 \ drivers and the reg-file who makes additions to the roster. The procedure takes a few minutes and experienced no problems. Swapped two system drives - both systems have started immediately at the first attempt, then later delivered the necessary drivers and video cards and setevuh telemarket;)It may be recommended to do this in advance, while the system still works - it will not create any additional inconveniences in everyday life, but you can remove and take the hard drive to visit a friend who has fallen or stayed vinda nasty virus - set your disk system and runs anti-virus or other utilities have its hard drive. Very useful!Desired file in an. If someone knows other ways to implement this (only those that tried it myself, and not copied from the many stupid manual online) - share, will be useful to all.

How to find and choose a motherboard

Motherboard (system board) - board on which is installed chipset and other components (eg, hard disk controller).

Motherboard - one of the most important components of the system unit. It provides food, pairing and operation of all devices PC, from CPU and ending with the mouse. Most components are inserted into the computer system unit in a specially reserved for them at the nest (the socket for the processor slots - for other components) on the motherboard. Some devices are connected to the jacks on the rear panel, some trails are connected with it, SATA-cables or other wires. Also, the motherboard is fed current from the power supply, and she, in turn, distributes it among all other devices inside the system unit. Not always, you will be much difference with the naked eye one model from another board, but ultimately the wrong choice can result in disappointing results.

Let us dwell on the main board components.
1. ChipsetChipset (core logic) - this is a chipset consisting of the so-calledNorth and South bridges.
Northbridge (Northbridge) works directly with the processor and provides support for RAM and video card. It also sets the system bus (FSB), the maximum amount and type of RAM.
Southbridge (Southbridge) - a chip that provides interaction between the CPU and other components of the computer - hard drives, expansion cards, interfaces, SATA, USB, etc. In contrast, the north bridge, south bridge usually connects directly to the processor, so they are located on separate chips.
In the market there are many models of chipsets from different manufacturers. Most popular today:
Chipsets from Intel:No integrated graphics card: P965, 975X, P31, P35, P43, P45, X38, X48, X58With integrated graphics: G965, Q35, G31, G33, G35, G41, G43, G45.
We recommend you to buy motherboards without integrated graphics chipset P35, P45 (for all types of configurations), or X38, X48, X58 (for "extreme" gamers and technology enthusiasts).Naturally, the latter is considerably more expensive.
Chipsets from AMD:No integrated graphics card: 770, 790X, 790FXWith integrated graphics: 690G, 740G, 780G, 780V
Recommended to take a board with the chipset 770 (suitable for all configurations), 790X (for Gamers), 790FX (for "extreme" gamers and overclockers). Price latter is somewhat higher.
Overclocking (English Overclocking) - overclocked CPU or other computer components, such as, for example, video card or memory, by increasing the operating frequency or voltage on the component.
Chipsets from NVIDIA:Before presenting a list of the most popular chipsets from the company NVIDIA, we want to warn you that if you do not want to install a computer two video NVIDIA GeForce mode SLI, then buy a motherboard with a chipset from NVIDIA is impractical. Especially since the recent Intel officially added SLI support to its new chipset X58.
NVIDIA Corporation manufactures chipsets for processors Intel, and processors from AMD. When buying, check for any CPU is the motherboard.Series GeForce (with integrated graphics): 7025, 7050, 7100, 8200
Series nForce:1) nForce 500: 570, 5902) nForce 600:a) For AMD: 630a, 680ab) For Intel: 630i, 650i, 680i3) nForce 700a) For AMD: 750a, 780ab) For Intel: 750i, 780i, 790i
The higher the series chipset, the modern, but also more expensive motherboards, made on its basis.
You can buy cards at any chipset series nForce. The choice is made based on the best of your money.
It should be noted that recently, not only from NVIDIA chipsets support the use of simultaneous operation of two (three) cards - NVIDIA SLI, but the chipset Intel X58.
NoteBus Frequency (FSB). It is necessary to consider this option when buying mat.platy. CPU FSB should coincide with the bus, supported by the motherboard chipset. For example, a processor with 800MHz FSB will not work on the motherboard that supports only processors with 533MHz bus.
2. SocketFor processors from different vendors require different sockets. For modern processors from Intel motherboards require socket "LGA775" (Land Grid Array, Socket 775) or "LGA1366" (Socket 1366) Processor AMD - "Socket AM2", "Socket AM2 +" or "Socket AM3".
Before the release of the socket "LGA775" firm Intel has used "Socket 478". From the name means that it used 478 pin holes.Accordingly, for the processor were 478 contact pins (PGA478, Pin Grid Array). Now, in the socket "LGA775" is used 775 feet, and on the processor, respectively, 775 contact pads. The same goes for LGA1366.
By AMD, in turn, use socket "Socket 754" (754 pins) and "Socket 939" (939 contacts). Externally, only changed the number of contacts. Y "Socket AM2" them - 940.
3. The number of slots for RAMTo date, the DDR memory is already obsolete, so use the DDR2-DDR3-or memory.
When buying a board should pay attention to what frequency the memory it supports. Now spread DDR2 memory at 667, 800 and 1066 MHz and DDR3 with 1066, 1333, 1600, 1800 and 2000 MHz.RAM modules with a frequency of, for example, 1066 will work on a motherboard that supports only the memory at 800 MHz, but the operating frequency to drop to a point, as supported by the motherboard. Also in this situation as a whole system may become unstable. Also note that DDR3 memory will not work on the motherboard that supports only DDR2. Reverse is also true. Keep these restrictions!
At the moment, the price of DDR3 memory declined slightly, so the choice between DDR2 and DDR3 memory for you.
4. Number of PCI Express x16 slots for graphics cardsIf a game plan to use configurations 2 or 3 cards, it is essential that the board had 2 or 3 slot type PCI Express x16, and with support for the regime of two video cards (NVIDIA SLI-need the NVIDIA nForce or Intel X58, for ATI Crossfire - Chipset AMD or Intel with support for the regime Crossfire). You also need to consider the placement of these slots. Modern graphics cards due to their large size and the massive cooling system overlap with the adjacent card slot! And if you install two or three cards on some boards cover all the slots!
5. Number of PCI slots or PCI Express x1 to connect various additional devices - expansion cards (modem, network card, sound card, TV-tuner, etc.)Must take into account the number of expansion cards that you want to install to your computer and the number of PCI slots or PCI Express x1, available on the motherboard. Otherwise, you risk being left without a modem or anything else due to lack of slots.Remember also cards that cover adjacent slot.
6. The availability of modern connectors for hard drivesThese connectors are called SATA and are available in any modern motherboard.
7. Built-in sound, network card or video cardNow, almost all modern motherboards are built sound and network cards. For the average user would be enough for them. We do not recommend buying the board with integrated graphics (unless you have no other choice, or starved of money).
8. The form factor motherboardThe form factor - a worldwide standard that defines the size of the motherboard for your PC, place her attachment to the body, the location on it interfaces, ports, socket CPU slots for RAM, as well as the type of connectors for power supply.
The specification defines the form factor of the mandatory and optional components. However, most motherboard manufacturers choose to comply with all specifications, since otherwise there can be problems with compatibility boards and other components.
Obsolete form factors: AT, Baby-AT, Mini-ATX.Modern: ATX, microATX, NLX, WTX.The implemented: Mini-ITX, Nano-ITX, Pico-ITX, BTX, MicroBTX, PicoBTX
At the moment, the desktop form factor common type ATX and mATX (microATX). It is recommended to take payment with the form factor ATX. Since they are much larger in size, then, correspondingly, greater number of slots available on the board, it is convenient to the location and the location of the chipset and other connections.
9. Cooling of the chipset (Northbridge and Southbridge)In modern motherboards use different chipsets cooling system.Most often it is the passive radiator (no fans). For such a fee is recommended to well-ventilated housing. This is not the most important thing to consider when choosing a card, but it is recommended to take into account.
10. Motherboard ManufacturersRecommend buying the board the following manufacturers:ASUS, Gigabyte, MSI, Intel
Less popular (but does not mean low quality) are the following companies:Foxconn, Elitegroup, Abit, ASRock
Summary. What, basically, you need to know when choosing a motherboard:1. Producer Boards2. Chipset (manufacturer, model, CPU, bus speed)3. Socket (CPU)4. Number of slots and the type of memory supported5. Number of PCI Express x16 slots for graphics cards6. Number of PCI Express x1 slots and the PCI7. Built-in sound and network cards8. Form Factor
Our favorites:For example with boards by ASUS and Gigabyte.
Office and home configuration (in brackets are rounded prices in dollars at the time of writing this page are taken from the price list ASUS P5K Socket7752xPCI-E + GbLAN +1394 SATA ATX 4DDR-II (3300)
An example of decoding: Fee ASUS P5K / Socket - LGA775 / Chipset - Intel P35 / 2 PCI Express x16 slots for graphics cards / Integrated Network Interface Card (1 Gb / s) / On-Board IEEE-1394 (FireWire) * / controller to connect the existing hard drive SATA array without support RAID * / Form Factor - ATX / 4 slots for DDR2 memory at 800MHz (PC2-6400).
GigaByte GA-P35-DS3L Socket775PCI-E + GbLAN SATA ATX 4DDR-II (2700)AMD: ASUS M3A SocketAM2 + PCI-E + GbLAN SATA RAID ATX 4DDR-II (2700)GigaByte GA-MA770-DS3 SocketAM2 + PCI-E + GbLAN +1394 SATA RAID ATX 4DDR-II (2600)Fees for Intel P35 chipsets and AMD 770 should be fine for gaming and configuration of elementary and secondary classes.
Game configuration of the middle class:Intel: ASUS P5Q Pro Socket7752xPCI-E + GbLAN +1394 SATA RAID ATX 4DDR-II (5900)GigaByte GA-EP45-DQ6 Socket7752xPCI-E + GbLAN +1394 SATA RAID ATX 4DDR-II (?)AMD: ASUS M3A32-MVP Deluxe SocketAM2 + 4xPCI-E + GbLAN +1394 SATA RAID ATX 4DDR-II (5800)GigaByte GA-MA790X-DS4 SocketAM2 + 2xPCI-E + GbLAN +1394 SATA RAID ATX 4DDR-II (4900)
Playing a top-class configuration (mode + Crossfire):Intel: ASUS P5E Deluxe Socket775 2xPCI-E + GbLAN +1394 SATA RAID ATX 4DDR-II (7700)GigaByte GA-X48-DQ6 Socket775 2xPCI-E +2 xGbLAN +1394 SATA RAID ATX 4DDR-II (8800)AMD: ASUS M3A32-MVP Deluxe SocketAM2 + 4xPCI-E + GbLAN +1394 SATA RAID ATX 4DDR-II (5800)Gigabyte GA-MA790FX-DS5 SocketAM2 + 2xPCI-E + GbLAN +1394 SATA RAID ATX 4DDR-II (4900)
It should be noted that the build system is preferable for Crossfire cards with the chipsets the company AMD.Playing a top-class configuration (mode + SLI):Intel: ASUS P6T Deluxe Socket1366 3xPCI-E +2 xGbLAN +1394 SATA / SAS RAID ATX 6DDR-III (15500)Gigabyte GA-EX58-DS4 Socket1366 3xPCI-E + GbLAN +1394 SATA RAID ATX 6DDR-III (12000)AMD: ASUS M3N-HT Deluxe SocketAM2 +3 xPCI-E + SVGA + GbL +1394 SATA RAID ATX 4DDR-II (7400)



System payment or on a computer slang - motherboard, MB, the name English mainboard — the main payment also is used, Mum, mother) is a complex multilayered printed-circuit-board on which the basic components of a personal computer (the central processor, the controller of the RAM and actually the RAM, loading ROM, controllers of base interfaces of input-output) are established.
As a rule, the system payment contains sockets for connection of additional controllers for which connection trunks USB are usually used, PCI and PCI-Express.

The basic components

The main components that are installed on the system board:

    chipset (English chipset) - chipset, providing a connection to the CPU memory controllers and peripherals.
As a rule, modern chipsets are based on two VLSI, "northern" and "south bridge".
Northbridge (English Northbridge), MCH (Memory controller hub), the system controller - can connect the CPU to the nodes, using high-performance tires: RAM, graphics controller.

To connect the CPU to the system controller can be used such FSB-bus, as Hyper-Transport and SCI.
        Typically, the system controller connects to the RAM. In this case, it contains the memory controller. Thus, on the application of the system controller is usually dependent maximum amount of RAM, and memory bandwidth of a PC. But now there is a tendency embedded controller in the CPU memory directly (for example, the memory controller built into the processor in the AMD K8 and Intel Core i7), which simplifies the system controller function and reduces heat.
        As a bus for connecting a graphics controller on modern motherboards use PCI Express. Previously used common bus (ISA, VLB, PCI) bus and the AGP.

        Southbridge (born Southbridge), ICH (I / O controller hub), peripheral controller - a controller peripheral devices (HDD, Ethernet, audio), controllers, buses for connecting peripheral devices (bus PCI, PCI-Express and USB), controllers as well as buses, which connect devices that do not require high bandwidth (LPC - used to connect the boot ROM, and LPC bus is used to connect multi controller (English Super I / O) - Products that support "old" low-end interfaces, transmission data: the serial and parallel interfaces, controller, keyboard and mouse).

    As a rule, the north and south bridges are implemented as separate ASIC, but there are single chip solutions. That's chipset defines all the key features of the motherboard, and what devices can connect to it.

    RAM (random access memory as of RAM) - a computer - memory, part of the computer memory, in which the processor can apply a single operation (jump, move, etc.). Intended for temporary storage of data and commands needed for the processor to carry out operations. Memory processor transmits the data directly, or through the cache memory. Each cell of the memory has its own individual address.

RAM can be manufactured as a separate unit or included in the design of a computer or microcontroller onecrystal.

    Boot ROM - stores the software which is executed immediately after power up. Typically, the boot ROM contains the BIOS, but may also contain software that runs under EFI.

Classification matherboard form-factor

Form factor motherboard - the standard defines the size of the motherboard for your PC, place its attachment to the body, the location of her bus interfaces, I / O connector of the CPU (if any) and slots for RAM, as well as the type of connectors for power supply.

Form factor (just like any other standards) is a recommendation. The specification of the form factor determines the mandatory and optional components. However, most manufacturers prefer to comply with the specification, since the cost of compliance with existing standards is the compatibility of the motherboard and standard equipment (peripherals, expansion cards) from other manufacturers.

    Obsolete: Baby-AT; Mini-ATX; full-size card AT; LPX.
    Modern: ATX; microATX; Flex-ATX; NLX; WTX, CEB.
    The implemented: Mini-ITX and Nano-ITX; Pico-ITX; BTX, MicroBTX and PicoBTX

There are motherboards that do not correspond to any of the existing form factors (see table). This is usually due either to the fact that manufactured highly specialized computer or motherboard manufacturer desire to independently produce and peripherals to it, or inability to use standard components (so-called "brand", such as Apple Computer, Commodore, Silicon Graphics, Hewlett Packard, Compaq often others ignored the standards, in addition to the current form of the distributed manufacturing market was formed only in 1987, when many manufacturers have created their own platform).

Form-factor of matherboard
Physical dimensions of matherboard
Specification, the year
8,5 × 11
216 × 279
IBM, 1983
architecture IBM PC XT
12 × 11/13
305 × 279/330
IBM, 1984
architecture IBM PC AT (Desktop/Tower)
8,5 × 10/13
216 × 254/330
IBM, 1990
architecture IBM PC XT (form factor is considered invalid since 1996.)
12 × 9,6
305 × 244
Intel, 1995
for the types of system units MiniTower, FullTower
ATX Riser

Intel, 1999
for system units such as Slim
12 × 13
305 × 330

11,2 × 8,2
284 × 208

for system units such as Tower and compact Desktop
9,6 × 9,6
244 × 244
Intel, 1997
has fewer slots than the ATX, it is also possible to use a smallerPSU
9 × 11/13
229 × 279/330
Western Digital, 1987
for system units such as Slim
8/9 × 10/11
203/229 × 
Western Digital, 1987
for system units such as Slim
8/9 × 10/13,6
203/229 × 
Intel, 1997
provides AGP, better cooling than the LPX
9,6 × 7,5/9,6
244 × 190,5/244
Intel, 1999
designed as a replacement for the form factor Micro ATX
14 × 16,75
355,6 × 425,4
for high-performance workstations and servers, mid-level
6,7 × 6,7
170 × 170
VIA Technologies, 2003
allowed only 100 watts power supplies

120 × 120
VIA Technologies, 2004

12,8 × 10,5
325 × 267
Intel, 2004
allowed up to 7 slots and 10 holes for mounting board
10,4 × 10,5
264 × 267
Intel, 2004
allowed up to 4 slots and 7 holes for mounting board
8,0 × 10,5
203 × 267
Intel, 2004
may be a slot and 4 holes for mountingboard
ETX и PC-104

used for embedded (embedded) systems
12 × 10,5
305 × 267
for high-performance workstations and servers, mid-level
3,9 × 2,7
100 х 72
VIA, 2007
used in embedded systems, ultra
12 × 10,1
305 x 259
motherboards the standard typically used to build servers.Connectors for power supply with 24 contacts 8.